Thanks for the order! 
Please print out your Tickets and bring them with you to Prepper Camp!
Remember, we do not mail tickets to you.
If you did not already download your tickets from the Ticket Leap website after you paid for them (by clicking “Return To Merchant” after you have paid), you also should shortly receive a confirmation email where you can download and print your tickets (the email will be from “Ticketleap orders” with the subject line: “Your Ticket – Prepper Camp 2020”).
Check your email inbox or spam folders.
You can return to the Prepper Camp website by clicking on the menu to the right.
Prepper Camp, Prepper Camp 2014, Prepper Camp 2015, Prepper Camp 2016, Prepper Camp 2017, Prepper Camp 2018, Prepper Camp 2019, Prepper Camp 2020 and are Service Marks and Trademarks of Aleven Goats Media, Inc.
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