Prepper Camp™ 2014 was a huge success! 
Thanks to all our organizers, volunteers, speakers and vendors for their commitment to make this camp the best preparedness event in the country!
And to our fabulous attendees- thank you for coming from all over this great nation and making this a unique and fulfilling experience for all.
It is up to all of us now to educate, to mentor and to help others in our circles to prepare.
One of our guests mentioned to me that as Dr. Forstchen spoke to us all during his keynote address, that he believed that he was watching history being made.
As Dr. Forstchen said to close out his keynote address- It is you, that will save this country.
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Prepper Camp, Prepper Camp 2014, Prepper Camp 2015, and are Service Marks and Trademarks of Aleven Goats Media, Inc.
© 2014, 2015, Copyright Aleven Goats Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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